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Please review the schedule for your check in and meeting times.  Even if you are a returning parent or have been to one of the meetings before you must attend any meetings for your volunteer position as there could be new information. 

3:00pm - Setup Crew Check in

4:00pm - Parking Attendant Check in

4:30pm - Concession Check in (at Clubhouse)

4:30pm - Console Check in

4:45pm - Floater and Starter Check in

5:00pm - Ready Bench (Tent Parent, Runners, Boss) Check in

5:00pm - Timers and Timer Runner Check in

5:30pm - Timers Meeting (1st AND 2nd shift MUST attend)

5:45pm - Judges Meeting (1st AND 2nd shift MUST attend)

6:00pm - Meet Start

2nd Shift will start after Backstroke

Tear Down will start when it gets dark to take down tents and will stay until everything is completely down and the board member in charge relases you. 

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Please review the schedule for your check in and meeting times. Even if you are a returning parent or have been to one of the meetings before you must attend any meetings for your volunteer position as there could be new information.

4:00pm - Setup Crew Check in

4:30pm - Console Check in

4:45pm - Floater and Starter Check in

5:00pm - Ready Bench (Tent Parent, Runners, Boss) Check in

5:00pm - Timers and Timer Runner Check in

5:30pm - Timers Meeting (1st AND 2nd shift MUST attend)

5:45pm - Judges Meeting (1st AND 2nd shift MUST attend)

6:00pm - Meet Start

2nd Shift will start after Backstroke but could start later depending on the Home team requirements

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Pine Mill Ranch Swim Team is a division of West Houston Aquatic League (WHALe - www.swimwhale.com)

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