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Swimmer Sign Up

Your child MUST BE signed up to swim at a meet. If they do not sign up, they will NOT be allowed to swim at the meet. Swimmers must sign up for ALL meets before the Practice Meet and Time Trials.

To sign-up a swimmer for meets, please do the following:

Login to your account (upper right corner)

  1. Go to My Account
  2. Under Meets, choose the drop down Swim Meets and Important Dates
  3. Scroll down to a meet
  4. Click on Swim Sign-Up for each meet, if your child is attending or not.
  5. Click on "Edit Entries"
  6. For each child listed please select "Attending" or "Not Attending"   Please leave the default "Available for all relays"
  7. Click on "Save Entries"

Please email [email protected] immediately if signup has closed and your child is signed up to attend but will not be able to do make it due to illness or unforeseen circumstance.

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Pine Mill Ranch Swim Team is a division of West Houston Aquatic League (WHALe - www.swimwhale.com)

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